Typographic Poster Design for a Hypothetical Typography Event, 2023

Provided with the written content, I was tasked with designing an A2 typographic poster and brochure, to convey information for a hypothetical typography event featuring well-known type designers as keynote speakers and workshop hosts. 
I carefully considered various design elements for the typographic poster and brochure, aiming to effectively convey the provided event information. I opted for a limited pastel colour palette combined with a deep navy blue, to ensure legibility of text on lighter backgrounds, and employing colour contrast principles. Using the bevel and emboss tool, along with subtle drop shadows, I added a 3D effect to the 'Typografika 24' title, emphasising its significance and making it visually striking. The composition of the typography strikes a balance between playfulness and professionalism, also achieved by combining serif and sans serif typefaces. This blend of modern simplicity and classic intricacy in the different typefaces enhances the overall visual appeal and communicates the theme of the         event effectively.
The typefaces used are Helvetica Bold, Helvetica Regular, and Masquelero Bold.
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