NCEA Level 3 Photography Boards, 2021
The theme for my Level 3 Photography board was the impact of plastic pollution on NZ's marine life and coastal environment. The concept of using a model within the series was to represent marine animals and the effect of plastic pollution in their home. Through this series I hope to raise awareness on the issue of plastic pollution not only on our environment but on the life that lives within it.
My favourite photo from this series, titled 'Dreams vs Reality' below, portrays the concept of marine life ‘dreaming’ of being able to live in a clean unpolluted ocean when in reality its home is surrounded by plastic pollution, and there is nothing they can do about it. The techniques included in this photo are; multiple exposure, monochrome, surrealism, inverted filter to create a solarisation look, and collage.
I was inspired by the surrealist photographer Jerry Uelsmann.